Peter Jones Wildlife Blog

A blog about my days in search of wildlife

  • Bird Photography round Pennington Marshes

    Photos with my OM-1 seem to be improving, or should I say, photos plus Lightroom editing is improving! The Reed Warbler above had a thick blurred twig in front of it, but that has been removed without a trace! Leaving a pic I’m quite happy with Flight photos have become more consistent after switching to… Continue reading

  • Terns at Normandy Lagoon

    Never a dull moment at Normandy Lagoon! Many pairs of Common Terns coming and going bringing food to their nests, and this year joined by Roseate Tern. Redshank and Avocet also had young close to the footpath allowing great views. The Roseate Terns were out of sight for the most part, but I did see… Continue reading

  • A few local sightings

    Some nice local sightings recently, in the Test Valley. Southern Marsh Orchid aren’t having the best of years, with only a couple of nice examples locally on Baddesley Common. More exciting was a single Ragged Robin also on the Common. A “rare” flower that I seem to stumble across fairly regularly. Speckled Yellow Moth is… Continue reading

  • Martin Down

    Have spent a couple of mornings at Martin Down recently. A deceptively big reserve, and even after many visits there are still a lot of high profile species that I have yet to find. This year, I did however, finally find the Burnt Tip Orchids. They were at probably the last part of the reserve… Continue reading

  • Croatia photo album

    Link to my favourite photos from a recent wildlife watching trip to Dubrovnik, Croatia #wildlife Continue reading

  • A break in Croatia

    I had a relatively cheap and easy few days in Croatia, with just a single target bird species.. Rock Partridge, but hopes for a few other animals, plus several Orchids. The trip was made more enjoyable having purchased a new camera in the weeks leading up to the trip and had an intense few days… Continue reading

  • A Change of direction

    Cuckoo, Fishlake Meadows, Romsey, Hampshire, May 2024 Although I’ve been quiet on here, it’s been a busy couple of months for me. I sold my Zeiss Harpia scope, and my Nikon p1000 bridge camera. I bought an Olympus Om-1, a 100-400mm telephoto, and a 90mm Macro lens. So, all wildlife angles covered! I was sad… Continue reading

  • Probable Common Scoter Nocturnal flight call, and a very close Moorhen

    Sadly a little too distant/faint for me to be certain, the resulting sonogram a little blurry, but a sequence of calls from last night certainly were in the right frequency range, and sounded good for Common Scoter. Amplified and uploaded above. Entering the peak period for their migration over UK, so hopefully, I’ll get a… Continue reading

  • 288 steps per species!

    A long day starting off in the New Forest, then Keyhaven to Normandy, and finishing off at Ibsley Water. There was still plenty of daylight left, but the walk from Hurst Cutbridge to Normandy and back is more than enough for one day! The photo of the Med Gull was taken at the very start… Continue reading

  • Another Garden first, Oystercatcher via NocMig

    Running a microphone overnight in my garden has been an interesting experience over the last couple of weeks. Plenty of Redwings call overhead through the night which is no surprise, but the supporting cast has really amazed me.I had no idea that a steady trickle of Moorhens, Coots, and the occasional Water Rail are flying… Continue reading

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